Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Hey there! Anyone still follow this dusty old thing?? I haven't been on in almost a whole year, woahhh XD
Well, I just had my LaGuardia High School audition Sunday! (Yaaayyy) It went pretty well, and I was one of the only ones at the audition who actually followed the guidelines on the LaGuardia website and packet, such as:
-matting/mounting all artwork in portfolio
-labeling all artwork in portfolio
  I think my chances went up a bit because I put in a ton of extra work. (also money, those mats were SOOO EXPENSIVE I CRI)
I'm about to make a portfolio post, to have digital documentation of my work and because it's fun.
The essay and questions were annoying, but I finished them, so hella BD my model was real cute and drawing her was fun. AND OUR MEMORY STILL LIFE PROMPT WAS TEAPOT AND MUG, WHICH I LOVE AND SEE EVERY DAY <3
The way I did my work, to make it as fun and unique as possible, was to make up my own little theme for each. When we had to draw the teapot and mug from memory, we were permitted to add more objects. I did a triangular composition piece, with a candle in a holder at the side, a tall teapot in the middle, and the mug overturned and diagonally placed towards the viewer, spille tea spreading over the bottom. I think it was a great idea, because I was able to show my knowledge of composition, use of negative space, and knowledge of value, because I had to shade everything to the lit candle and the spilled tea would be hard to do. (It was fun.)
The model drawing was simple, and I really went in with lots of shading while keeping the drawing basic enough to follow the instructions clearly. It was more for your knowledge of proportion and stuff than details.
 Finally was the pastel, from imagination. We had to choose between drawing "A Day at the Zoo" and "Waiting at the Bus Stop." I chose the bus stop, choosing triangular composition yet again, showing a rainy day with a young couple waiting for the bus, sitting and holding hands, with an older man looking on sadly from the left foreground. I didn't have enough time to go into detail with the street and sidewalk, which I am disappointed and a bit nervous about, but I did shade the figures and do a lot of blending. I don't think it came out bad.
  It was a pretty fun experience overall, and because I had carpooled with a friend, I had someone sharing the experience. We were in different groups though. Honestly, it was just a fun oppurtunity to draw and challenge myself. As much as I have wanted and needed to get into this high school since I was in, like, the fifth grade or so, I was more joyous and proud to be at the audition than nervous. (I was really, really nervous though)

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Half God Manga / Comic on MangaMagazine.net

Half God Manga / Comic on MangaMagazine.net

Please read my comic on MangaMagazine and tell your friends to read it toooo~! <3 I'll do a special thing for my friends and supporters every time I hit a hundred views~! And every five Fans I receive I'll do something too. <3


 Thanks to my friends Emma, Ethan, and Amit for creating three out of my favorite foursome! ^^ I never could have made up such a great cast of characters and such a great storyline on my own.

I really hope I can get more people to read aand enjoy my comic!

Check it out on Smackjeeves and Blogger too!!! <3 Love you guys~!  I'll post more often, I swear! xD

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Back!!! Didja miss me?

Hey whoever you are!!! (If anyone still looks at this- doubt it hahahaha) I just realized I haven't been on here in just about EVER, so I'm going to start posting again!!!
I've been doing a TOOONNN of art lately, and I've been having fun trying different inking and coloring styles. I also tried my hand at digital painting, and I'll soon be posting the result of my experiment, a digital piece of the best character out of every manga and anime I've encountered, Mr. Yuu Kanda from D.Gray Man!!! (The best. Manga. EVAR.) I've also gotten kind of.. Into (COUGH BSESSEDWITHCOUGH) shounen-ai, and tried my hand at it using colored pencils and my favorite slash couple, Kanda and Allen from DGM. For now, the only picture I am working on is a WIP of something I started a few hours ago, of a lil Neko girl staring at a fish tank and drooling, hahaha. The background is going to take me a really long time... *sigh*
Whatever, at least I'm putting out 1-4 new drawings a week. That's a new record for me!! I work for four hours at a time, but still. It's something. Just yesterday I finished another picture of Kanda and Allen, this time being a little daring and trying to draw a kiss! It took me hours to do the initial sketch, but after that I did lots of coloring and shading (my forte!! I love shading *^*)~) and it was easy and fun. I haven't loved art this much in quite a while!
I also did a piece on Howl's Moving Castle, a movie by the most amazing and ever beloved Hayao Miyazaki. I had no normal inking tool handy at the time, so I tried doing a choppy, swishy sort of inking with the brush end of a blue Copic. (Thanks +Fern Ivy Bobashi Radish for letting me use your supplies hahaha) I can say I'm somewhat happy with the result. Doing Calcifer's yellow glow was hard, but worth the trouble, as I rather liked swirling all the different colors with the yellow.
Sme other drawings I've done this past few weeks include:
A simple, somewhat doodled picture of Dante from Devil May Cry
A few fanart sketches that I will be completing soon
A dynamic-pose marker piece of the amazing Lavi from D.Gray Man

I've been having a ton of fun, and I can't wait to update my gallery with all of this.
I'll post the pictures tomorrow!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Traditional Art

Hi, whoever is reading XD
Anyway, to the point. I've never really been a traditionalist when it came to artwork. I thought,.hey, digital or traditional, it just has to be good. But lately, I've been seeing traditional art that was beyond the level of anything I've ever seen. Some are to the point I thought they were digital at first! Truly amazing. I've been trying to imitate this style but sadly my traditional work is not to that level no matter how hard I try. People on deviantart called Ambre-Akasora, Polkadotzombie, Chikukko, Matsuyama Takeshi and Emperpep became my idols and inspirations. I truly admire them. I wanted to ask, what's your opinion on traditional art compared to digital?

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Follow the Half God Blog!!

Click here to view it Yeah so I fixed up a quick page for it, thank god I didn't have to code this time. It has a page linked to the SmackJeeves page, a page where you can read the actual comic, a page of characters, etc.
I'll fix it up later so you can read it easier, and add more stuff to it :3
So yeah if you want updates, info, etc on the comic, go ahead and subscribe! :)
I'm actually going to go fix that up now.

Monday, July 1, 2013

SmackJeeves Webcomic

I just posted my first Webcomic, Half God (made with friends) on SmackJeeves.. SMACKJEEVES IS SOOO HARD TO NAVIGATE! I'll probably make a quick site for it as well. I have so much editing and HTML coding to do... UUGGGHH HTMLS ARE HAAARRRRDDDD
Well if you'd like to check it out, here: Half God Web Comic
Don't worry, I'll update with more pages soon and edit the HTMLs and decorate.
Anyway, I'll also create a MangaMagazine page for it which will be considerable easier and faster.
Well, that's all!

Saturday, June 29, 2013


I can't believe it's actually summer! I keep thinking its just the weekend and that I'll see my friends tomorrow at school. I already miss most of them TwT since I'm nothing without my friends, now I'm stuck home doing nothing AND being nothing.
Oh well, I still talk to them on google plus.
I love my friends so much <3
Me being a crazed FANGIRL and avid reader of any and all non-overly explicit teenage romance novels, summer has always seemed like the season when everything sweet and awesome and romantic happens. Going to the beach and having a romantic beachside picnic, or going to the amusement park and following that myth about how if you kiss someone at the top of a Ferris wheel then you'll be together forever. (For example, my one of my favorite authors is Sarah Dessen)
Sadly, being the awkward lump of fat I am, that wouldn't happen to me XDD
In reality, my summer isn't sappy dates or bonding, it's video games, reading manga and aforesaid teenage romance novels, watching anime/dramas/whatever is on, drawing, google chatting my friends and hanging out around my neighborhood with +Tina Wang and +Fern Ivy Bobashi Radish.
Well, whatever, if I need some spoiling I can always go to my best friends. Screw romance, that shit is overdone! I could just sit and derp around and be perverted with +Amit Puthan or chat spam +Barton Qian and be just as happy as if I were on the top of some Ferris wheel XD
I'm looking forward to going to six flags.. I'm finally going to ride the TALLEST ROLLERCOASTER IN THE WORLD, KINGDA CA!!!
(By the way, if you didn't know this already, I'm a thrill seeker. My bucket list includes skydiving, bungee jumping, sky gliding, parachuting, etc) I'm also, of course, going to spend my summer nights watching and reading my favorite horror movies and stories.
Jeff the Killer and Halloween, anyone? xD
Well, that's it for my summer. Wish I could go to some of the awesome places everyone ese is going, sigh~~ >_< but whatever, I think creepypastas and manga are cool too.
What are you doing for your summer? Comment and tell me!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

ELA Comic Fail

Lol yeah um.
So, we had a contest in my school to create a Greek Mythology project (as most people following this blog would know since I talked about it on my MangaMagazine profile and the rest are in my class, lol) and it was just against the people in our class. I was desperate to win, woke up at around five or six and went to sleep at around one or two for three days straight. And I did nothing but sit there and work. (On Saturday I went to a birthday party, but I was there for a few hours and then came back and worked until god knows what time.
I was pretty disappointed that I lost, mainly because I worked so hard for nothing.
I couldn't finish it and people who read it didn't vote for it because it was incomplete.. I worked with three other people and they mostly did the story and I reformatted it into a graphic novel by myself and drew the whole thing by myself.
It's my fault we lost T_T sorry!! +Emma VB  +Amit Puthan
Well it doesn't matter, I guess. Congratulations to +Sarah Kwok for winning :) her comic was great, it had an excellent story and the art was good, too. A little book containing a lot of awesome. xD
I was thinking of scanning and posting the pages here and on MangaMagazine.net and deviantART.  Would anyone read it?
Here is sort of what the pages look like, I scrambled them up and took a few pictures xD

I was sort of happy anyway though, because my sister, who is a really amazing artist, she's 23 and she did graphic designs for this company called Yours Truly (clothes) and she draws awesome conceptual and abstract stuff as well, saw the pages on the table and she came up to me and said something she never told me before. She said "Those comic pages on the table are BEAUTIFUL. They look like they were printed out. You really drew ALL OF THAT in THREE DAYS with no help?"
I felt really happy because it was the first time so something I drew caught my sister's attention that much and that she talked about it that way. My sister is one of my idols and it just made me feel better about losing.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Cool awesome new site I found!

Found this really cool site called Art of a Freak! There's contests and stuff to join and I'll be joining as many as I can ^w^ and you can get an apprenticeship to get better at drawing! I applied but nobody's taken up my offer yet. Me and my friend JoJo applied and I'm sure we'll find some mentors! ^w^ the website is http://artofafreak.weebly.com and you can go there and see people's entries for the contests too!!!! >u< really awesome. I like that alot of artists there are beginners so everyone is learning from eachother! +Tina Wang you should check it out Tina because you're all embarrassed about your art but you're really good and your art won't be insulted if you enter a contest there ^u^ I'll be metering some stuff in when I can so maybe if you look in the contest galleries sometime in the future my stuff will be there! :D I'm going to be a sponsor for this site and I'm happy about it because I LOVE THEM! x3 a girl on PaigeeWorld posted a drawing about it and I checked it out! It's super cool x3 Im actually entering the original character contest and I really hope I can win something! Cheer me on guys? ;u; well all my friends are super supportive so I know they will ! <3 I know I haven't posted a blog entry in a long time, LOL I wonder if my two best blog followers have forgotten me n.n KEVIN AND SABINA DO YOU STILL READ THIS?! OuO well anyway yeah any of you guys should enter their contests, it's not just anime! They have an abstract contest, an invader Zim contest and more going on right now. (I'm considering entering both of those ^u^) I hope you check it out!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Feeling better~

I had a little downfall with my self esteem lately (I might have cut once... Stfu if your in my class and reading this you should've known xD I'm just kidding I love you guys) Anyway I felt pretty damn bad but I went out with my childhood friends for a bit and felt okay.
+Tina Wang+Amit Puthan and +Sabina Radjabova i love you guys,I have since kindergarten, I always will. Thanks for picking me up. But really, Sabina and Tina, stop kicking Amit so much! Dx he's our friend, stop hurting himmm.
We went and had so much fun. C:
I went back to deviantart and Mangamagazine, I'm so happy! I got some great critiques today and I can't wait to post my manga.
I got trolled by someone but my MM friends are awesome and made me laugh hysterically so idgaf anymore.
Especially one person posting his picture from tumblr, oh god... I died laughing.
The Mangamagazine community is fabulous.
BARFTON if you say "no" I will kill you xD
Tina, you too. No "no."
I have to work on my commissions Dx that DBZ one is HAAARRDDD!!! But once I finish it, ten bucks for me Cx
And, of course, the other one.
I'm opening a bank account and then I'll finally open my online store!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But I lost my iPad stylus so I have to get a new one before I design new stuff, so for now only the five or six designs I have can be used.
But that's alright for now C:
And I'm also gonna sell little canvas paintings~
Alright so lastly:
I want some fan art of Henry, Allegra, Kiki, and the gang to feature in the manga!!!
Whoever wants theirs featured, send it to taliamamane@gmail.com!!!
No entries as sketches, sorry~ >_< they have to be inked and shaded/colored.
Also, thanks to my Mangamagazine buddies!!! :D
XOX bye everyone~